

Testimonials of Anti-Bullying Advice and Support Sessions:

"Merci beaucoup pour la session de partage d'hier.Personnellement je trouve cela instructive et tres utile les conseils.Ce serait bien de faire des sessions dans des institutions car il y a beaucoup d'abus surtout dans une banque a Ebene.Beaucoup de personnels souffrent en silence et leurs visages en disent long dans cet environnement malpropre ou il y a toutes sortes d'abus et de harcelement.Merci beaucoup." E.V
"Thank you for the Anti-Bullying Session. This has been a very helping one. I would definitely recommend you as a consultant. You are a good listener and empathetic being. It is really nice to know that we have people around who listen without judgement. Talking to you has been like a safe space. You do respect the confidentiality which is highly appreciated. This will encourage people to open up easily. Moreover, you give appropriate advice as per one's situation. These kind of sessions would be really good at workplace also. I wish you lots of success in this noble work and may you continue to bring positive changes around you." Anuja
“ I’ve found the advice and support session constructive and helpful. Marjorie listens with patience and she has helped me to slowly rebuild myself morally, emotionally and spiritually. She has helped me view my difficult situation from a more rational perpective which has helped to deflate its power over me. Marjorie focuses on solutions, on what can be done and has helped me build a spirit of fortitude. Thank you.“ A.B
“Après avoir parlé à Marjorie, je me suis sentie légère et surtout plus confiante pour gérer la situation qui me tracassait. Elle m'a aidée à mettre des mots sur la situation à laquelle je fais face dans le cadre de mon travail. Et surtout comment réagir. Merci infiniment!“ JB
“I’ve contacted Marjorie as my son was being bullied at school. She was able to help me and my son as she provided useful information and guidance. She’s a competent professional and she’ll make you feel comfortable while speaking to her. My son also felt at ease with her. Thank you.” ZT

“Merci pour m'avoir écoutez est fait comprendre que l'environment où je suis actuellement est toxic est que ma santé est Une priorité merci pour Vos video. Je vous conseille vivement de contactez Madam Marjorie Ayen Anti-Bullying consultant Elle est très a l'écoute est pourra vous aidez Comme moi.” A.M

“Dear Marjorie, I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for our first session together. I am delighted with the valuable tools and insights you provided, which I can now utilize to support my daughter in dealing with the issue of bullying at school. I am looking forward to continuing our work together and making further progress.” NP

“J'ai eu une séssion avec Mme Marjorie le samedi 19 Août 2023. Nous avons discuté de plusieurs choses concernant le bullying. Cela m'a permis de me soulager et ses conseils m'ont permis de comprendre qu'il y'a toujours de l’espoir. Je la recommande fortement à tous ceux qui ont besoin de quelqu'un à qui parler.” E.S

“Nice counseling session... Good and professional advice... Solution provider... I will encourage everybody who are into this situation not to remain silent but to go and seek for help.... I really recommend Mrs Marjorie Ayen... Thank you for everything.” Mrs Rola

“Merci Marjorie de m’avoir écoutée. Ça m’a fait beaucoup de bien. Merci encore.” B.T

"Merci pour votre écoute et conseils 🙏" Mrs Ayadee

Testimonials of the Workplace Bullying Awareness and Prevention Training Programme (USB flash drive):

“I was moved by Marjorie’s powerful story when I came across her testimony on Facebook. It’s inspiring to see someone who overcame significant adversity and succeeded in empowering herself. Whilst I did not use her services as a consultant, I did purchase her flash drive containing her testimony and her presentation research. I was impressed with her understanding of the issue and her ability to identify effective prevention and intervention techniques. I would highly recommend Marjorie to anyone or any company looking for effective support or training on this subject.” SPB
“Keep up z good work dear." Mr Beeharry Bhoomeswarsingh

Testimonial of the School Bullying Awareness and Prevention Training Course (USB flash drive):

‘I have bought a session on anti bullying for schools. It was educative, resourceful and beneficial. Keep on with the good job!’ Mr Kalim Wahedally

Reviews of participants of the online session Formation sur le Workplace Bullying:

‘Thanks for the Workplace Bullying session.. Much appreciated the various aspects discussed as well as the repercussions.. Having evening sessions are indeed more convenient for people working full-time like me.. All the best for the future.. Regards, KM.’

‘First of all it was a well researched presentation, with all the different types of bullying, and what the law says about bullying, that was a very good job done. Then there was a little snag, i think it was mostly time constraint that in my opinion there should have been after the presentation an interactive session where the participants could talk about their experiences or offer their views and opinions. Last but not least advising on how to move on after such a bad experience and the types of help that can be sought out and even proposing to the victims that you are ready to listen and help them out is much commendable. Thus i am very glad to have participated in this webinar.’ KPr

‘Just attended the presentation on workplace bullying run by Marjorie Ayen. Very informative on a subject that is fast becoming important in our society. Thank you Marjorie for the good work you are doing.’ D.D.

‘The presentation was nicely done but unfortunately we lacked time for interaction. I now have a better overview of the term bullying and harassment after the presentation and I do think we should go for another one. Keep up the great job.’ K.P

‘Just wanna thank you for yesterday Webinar regarding bullying... An important topic and I appreciate you raising that... It's a good awareness and I believe we all should be conscious about what is meant by being bullied.’ Vaneshri

‘Fantastic workshop Marjorie, beautifully presented. Easy & clear to follow. I found it very worthwhile and thank you for sharing your experience with us. Many thanks for your valuable time.’ RR

‘I never realised that some teasing or pran nissa or "innocent pranks" such as hiding stuff are actually categorised as bullying at the workplace. Unfortunately proofs of such behaviours are not always be tangible or visible but an informed manager/team leader/direct reporting line can make a difference in the lives of employees or victims of workplace bullying. Thank you for creating more awareness around the subject.’ YM

'Thank you Marjorie for sharing with us. I have recently been through all these unfair circumstances for the past years and felt fighting these battles alone. You came forward and showed us that such bullying is very common and many people go through this very often. Unfortunately many employees do not know their rights and finally give up. Support during those times is essential.' Anonymous MX

'Dear Valued Marjorie, I, Mr Rajiv Nundloll, wish to point the following ideas as feedback: 1. Workplace bullying is an interesting topic 2. Anti-bullying consultant is rare and you are among the rare few 3. An offshoot of victimization made you embrace this laudable subject 4. One should denounce bullying at all costs 5. sensitization should see the day 6. Prevention is better than cure 7. A unit from the ministry of labour or similar cadre 8. One should respect the geography of personal space 9. Make the difference between harassment and bullying 10. Rumours, gossip, backbiting and mobbing are detrimental to a good work atmosphere 11. The aggrieved one should consult a psychologist 12. The victim can suffer from depression and of suicidal mood 13. The impacts ae many: low productivity, low morale, low self-esteem 14. The complaints should be taken at heart and promptly 15. Aim a middle-ground with the boss 16. No action no change 17. Do meditation for 15 minutes daily 18. Practise a sport regularly 19. Transform your suffering into opportunities 20. Change your environment 21. Do sauna, massage, go for a spiritual retreat. Kind regards Rajiv Nundloll’

‘Je pense que c'est Une première à Maurice. J'ai suivi la formation et je peux dire que c'est très instructive. De nos jours le bullying prend de l'empleur partout, très peu de personne ose en parler ce qu'il/elle vive. Bravo à Mme Ah Yen pour cette initiative de faire cette formation en ligne au coût abordable. N'hésiter pas les amis a s'informer sur ce sujet, dans peu de temps le bullying augmentera. Alors apprenons à dire STOP dès aujourd’hui. N'attendez pas à être victime pour s'informer. Plus vous apprenez et plus vous pouvez venir en aide à d'autre personne et à vous même. Cette presentation est bien simple et c'est bien expliquer. Merçi’ Sadna Philogene

‘Je vous recommende vivement ce formation "Workplace Bullying" Jai fini de faire la formation cest vraiment touchant vue que Marjorie a vecu cela dans son travail en tant qu'enseignante 15ans d’expérience. Voilà je vous laisse decouvrir vous meme. Jai appris des choses sur le Bullying et ca nous concerne tous.’ SP

'Hello Marjorie thank you for the good job that you are doing ... The course was very interesting and I’ve learnt things that I was not aware of. Keep it up 👍.’ ND

‘Merci beaucoup pour la session. Très enrichissante et j’ai beaucoup appris. Encore merci. Ou presentation fer moi prend encore plus conscience ki ena ban mesure ki kapave met en place dan enn entreprise pour empeche le bullying.’ TW

‘Merci pour cette séance. Ça m'a beaucoup aidé. Vous faites un super travail d'aide et de prévention. Bravo ❣️’ O.R

‘C’était très intéressant. Il est important de motiver les employés, surtout ceux qui ont été victimes de Workplace Bullying.’ I.P

“The workshop anti-bullying at the workplace has been a game changing and eye opening for me.It made me undstand my right as a worker and how not to normalize bullying at work.one of my experience i i would love to share is the "vol of Tarte banane and napolitan" “ S.P Thank you S.P for your feedback. Incidents such as stealing, in your case stealing food, are a form of physical bullying and shouldn’t be tolerated.

“A very good presentation and explanation on bullying. Very interesting and informative. Thank u Marjorie for this excellent presentation.” I.A

“A compulsory training, victims of bullying, harassment cannot remain silent.” YJ

“C'était très instructif par rapport aux normes du travail surtout à entendre les témoignages des autres pour sensibiliser sur ce phénomène grandissant. Bonne explication!!!” Ramjauny W

“I'm not personally involved but I'm aware that if this issue is not taken seriously, it can have deep and irremedial impact. I'm broadening my knowledge and have already shared about it to my colleagues to raise awareness. You are doing a great job!” N.H

“Merci beaucoup Marjorie cela a été très instructif hope que les personnes qui sont dans ce problème puissent dénoncer et géurir...” N.T

“Thanks for the webinar. It helped a lot.” Ved

"J'ai décidé de suivre la formation à propos du harcèlement au travail avec Marjorie durant le mois d'août, d'abord par simple curiosité et une envie d'enrichir mes connaissances et d'avoir une bonne compréhension de tous les aspects autour de ce sujet. Je n'ai pas été déçue : Après un bon accueil en ligne, elle a décortiqué le sujet en s'appuyant sur des faits et observations personnelles tout en donnant des références légales que je ne connaissais pas avant. Je recommande cette formation pour les gens curieux comme moi qui veulent une explication simple et claire afin de savoir identifier le harcèlement au travail et mieux comprendre comment y faire face. Un sujet qui mérite d'être expliqué et défendu !" CD

La formation est très enrichissante et j’ai beaucoup appris. Merci bcp. Mrs Annaelle

“I had a session with Mrs Marjorie yesterday..Very enriching...I can definitely say that we do need some people like her to keep our moral high..She spend her time explaining to me what is actually 'Bullying at work'...Worth it..I recommend these sessions to anyone who is getting difficulties at work, universities or at school...Keep up the good work...” Miss Dhana

"Thank you for the sharing,had learnt a lot, very interesting." Ms Jessica

"A novel, first-of-its kind workshop that offers a refreshing outlook on the topic of 'Bullying in Mauritius'. Marjorie is honest, kind and compassionate, which shows in her delivery. She listens without judgement, thing which is always nice to have. Wishing her loads of luck and plenty of success in her all upcoming endeavours. Sincerely," MK

"Bonjour Marjorie, Je voulais vous remercier sur le cours suivi avec vous sur les harcèlements qui se produise dans des milieux professionnels. Ayant été moi- même victime, vous écoutez cela m'a permis de comprendre les enjeux et les impactes que cela puisse avoir sur notre santé mentale. N'ayant pas les informations nécessaires de ce que la loi disent...On ne sait pas forcément comment réagir. Grâce à vous, cela m'a permis de comprendre et de savoir quoi faire... Vous êtes pour nous cette voix qu'on a tous besoin... Je vous conseil a tout et a tous de suivre les sessions qu'offrent Marjorie , quelques heures de votre temps peuvent vous aider a mieux vous protéger... Bonne continuation dans cette lutte contre les harcélements... N'oubliez pas d'en parler pour en sortir...Vous avez tous droit au respect." s.s😇

“Good afternoon Mrs Marjorie. I hope you're doing good. I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for the online session on bullying. Everything was so clearly explained and it was also great to interact with all the persons who were present on webinar for the session. This created an atmosphere of optimism and sharing of ideas professionally. It would be a great pleasure if you could conduct a workshop for my colleagues at work. Kindly tell me the procedures and I will do the needful. I wish you all the best and keep up the good work lovely lady. Kind regards,” Ayra.

“Marjorie Ayen Anti-Bullying Consultant thanks very much for the session. It was value for money and very much helpful. I would encourage others to join the course as it is worthy. 🙂🌹🌹🌹” Mrs Meenowa

“Thank you so much for this session full of precious informations to know our rights, understand the situation. Now i know how to handle my bully. Thank you also for your support during the past months. Really appreciate.” Béatrice

“Merci pour la session. Enrichissante. Je Recommande." BSJ

“This webinar allowed me to know more about the profile of a "bully". The story of Marjorie Ayen also helped me gain a better understanding of what can be done in situations where you're being bullied by a group of people or one person. Thank you for trusting us with it Marjorie. Keep going!! ✨️ Being a victim or a bully, you can still change your life.” Ms Akloo

“Marjorie is a passionate coach, her personal sharing help attendees to better understand the topic. “ CBH

“Thank you for this amazing session on workplace bullying. It was very clear and understandable.😊” P. D. T

“Dear Marjorie, Awesome session! You explained everything so meticulously and very well detailed. I recently resigned from my position, was feeling a bit low about my decision but now am confident that I took the right step. I have been through almost all the points you explained on, except sexual harassment and it's kind of a relief to know that these things actually exist and that I was not overthinking all this time long. Bullying at work is really painful and hard to handle. Hopefully people get educated about same and that they are made aware about the needful steps to be taken just as you explained in your presentation. Keep up the great work Marjorie! 👏” Shevna

“Thank you dr madam; it was very informative.” Mrs Singh

“Enorme Merci et Bravo à Marjorie pour son programme de formation sur le « Anti-Bullying At Work », qui était très enrichissant et qui m'a personnellement aidé, en tant que RH à mieux comprendre les différents aspects du harcèlement au travail. Cette formation me permet également d'avoir des pistes pour la mise en place d'un système de sensibilisation, de prévention et de gestion des différents types de cas lié directement ou indirectement au harcèlement au travail. Je recommande fortement aux professionnels en Ressources Humaines et aux membres de Direction d'entreprises d'assister à cette formation.Merci encore et bonne continuation Marjorie.” E.E

“A very informative presentation on workplace bullying with relevant details on what is, what solutions exist for victims and above all being able to equip oneself with the tools to be able to prevent and manage workplace bullying.“ N.S.

“Thank you very much Marjorie for the excellent presentation. It is indeed very instructive and will sure help many people facing bullying at the workplace. Keep up the good work!! I would recommend more employees and employers to assist the workshop.” Mrs Moosliah

“Excellent presentation with a lot of useful information. Thank you again for this opportunity !Je vous recommande vivement xx” Mrs Stanley J

"Hello Marjorie, thank you very much for the Wednesday session. It provided me an insight about what is bullying at work and how to deal with it." D.B

Hello ma'am. Thank you for this session.This has really brought a positive change in my life. I have learnt the tactic to confront bullying. And the class was really interactive plus informative, especially about the laws. Big thanks. Definitely will recommend." D.H

“Dear madam, thank you. It's been a very interesting session. Thanks for sharing your knowledge; indeed it was a great session.” Saleena Sulliman

“Thanks so much Marjorie for bringing forward such a topic where people are often stuck of how to deal during such situations at workplace. It might still be a taboo to some but with your way of presenting all felt so simple to understand and easier to tackle once we get to know the specific articles from the WORKERS' RIGHTS ACT. Keep up with the good job👏🏽” I.J

“Dear Marjorie Ayen, I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the enlightening online class on anti-bullying. Your insights and practical advice have equipped me with valuable tools to address and prevent bullying effectively in my day to day work. The interactive sessions and real-life examples were particularly impactful, making the subject matter both engaging and relatable. I now feel more confident in my ability to contribute to a safer and more supportive environment for everyone. Thank you once again for your dedication and the knowledge you have imparted. Best regards, Orane Marius Ferré”.

“I found the course distinguished because my needs were met. Moreover, you were attentive, helpful and responsive. I personally would not hesitate to follow other courses and highly recommend this one to other interested persons.” Miss D.H

“Thanking you for the presentation given on bullying at work. Very well explained.” Shalini Dumur

“Thank you so much for tonight's session! It was incredibly insightful. Your journey has been very tough and I'm glad that you're using your platforms to guide others and let them know that there is a way out and that they are not alone. Thank you for educating countless people about bullying and helping in shaping this world into a better place through your initiatives ❤️” Meshna Achadoo

"Hello, thanks a lot. Was a very enriching session. Learned a lot and eagerly waiting for the next one." D.C.P

"The flow of your presentation made sense and helped the audience understand the depth of the topic. You went above and beyond with the research on this presentation. Your main points really showed how prepared you were. Including slides about BULLYING AT WORK proved to the audience that you understood their viewpoints and concerns. Your icebreaker was great because it was attention-grabbing and helped you show off your authority. Breaking down the complexity of the subject matter into smaller pieces went a long way in helping the audience understand a tricky topic. The real-life examples you used showed how relevant the topic is to your audience. The visuals you included on your slides were great — they helped illustrate your points and kept people paying attention. Good job including spots throughout the presentation where people could ask questions — that cleared up the confusion The way you spoke to the audience was professional but passionate and interesting. The way you concluded the presentation was excellent — it helped wrap things up while inviting the audience to learn more. Your overall attention to detail, from how you laid out your slides to how you spoke to the audience, made your presentation more powerful and memorable. Great work not hiding behind the podium — your body language and posture showed everyone that you’re well informed and confident. Including information on people whom we could contact links to further reading on some of the more complex topics was a great idea, especially for people who aren’t as familiar with the topic." I.N

"Hello Miss, Saturday's SESSION was excellent... ....I learned a lot through this....the way you presented it was splendid.... Thanks 😊 so much for such knowledge..... For sure, it will benefit all who were attending..... Thanks for this noble step.... As there's lot happening in this society.... Respect Goes to You....and keep growing of what you're doing.....". R.AR

"Thank you very much for the highly enriching session. I had doubts on whether I was experiencing harassment/bullying at work but through the detailed explanation, I can finally say with confidence that I was harassed at my work place. Now, I am more than determined to take the stones my bullies threw at me to construct a castle of strength, empowerment and insight to better help and support other people living in a toxic working environment. Thank you again Marjorie Ayen!" J.J.P

"Le harcèlement au travail existe malheureusement. Et je vous remercie d'avoir pris le temps de nous expliquer les différentes formes qui existent. Cela me permettra d'être plus attentive à ce qui se passe autour de moi. Merci et à très bientôt pour la suite." JAW

Reviews of participants of the online session Formation sur le Harcèlement Sexuel:

‘Marjorie Ayen is doing something important. These awareness sessions can make a big difference in people’s lives. The workshops are accessible to all and bring on the table subjects that are very present in our society. Keep up the good work!’ DD

‘The webinar on sexual harassment was nice and informative . Access to information is very often needed as many people don't know the law and as you rightly said many workplace management will try to banalise the problem or else get rid of the actual victim.. very interesting webinar. Thank you loads.’ GF

‘It was actually a really nice session where you shared your personal experiences so we could relate and easily understand. It made me aware of what can happen in a work environment especially there are more women than men at my work place. It also made me more conscious of the consequences and effects. I will surely use my experience that I got during the session to help others. It has been a great learning opportunity.’ Soobham Padaruth

“Merci pour votre partage de connaissance car c'était très enrichissante.” PN

“De bonnes explications, très instructives surtout les solutions contre le harcèlement sexuel.” Ramjauny W

“Très intéressant, continuez votre bon travail.” YJ

“Merci beaucoup cour la ti bien interessant ek mo coné ki à l'avenir li pour servi moi et même pour bane personnes ki pour suivre li merci encore pour to travail magnifique ki to pe fer” Mrs Hector

“Merci Marjorie pour la session d'aujourd'hui, elle a été très instructive. Le monde du travail a besoin de plus de gens comme vous, qui savent écouter avec attention et qui font preuve d'empathie. Bonne continuation dans ce que vous faites. Merci encore.” SH

“Merci Marjorie pour cette formation sur le harcèlement sexuel. L’explication était claire et c’est surtout important de prendre conscience des lois existantes . Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation dans ce combat.” LS

"Many thanks 🙏🏾to you, Madam Marjorie Ayen. Today's workshop has helped me understand more on sexual harassment and the healing process (which is different for everyone). This topic is not talked about enough about and the victims may not know how to ask for help and who to turn to. You're going to different environments (e.g schools, workplaces) to talk on bullying. You never know who it might help and prevent further traumas. Kudos to you Ma'am. I absolutely recommend 💯this course to everybody. Everyone 🤝should be aware to prevent sexual harassment in any environment." Miss Leeladarshanee.

"C'est très bien expliqué et j'ai réalisé comment il peut-être insidieux et à quel point il est fréquent. Je souhaite à Marjorie beaucoup d'impact, car il faut définitivement sensibiliser partout à ce sujet."Gaelle Schluchter

Reviews of participants of the online session Formation sur le School Bullying:

‘Interesting & Interactive session with a friendly & skillful approach. The content will be indeed valuable for both an everyday life & my workplace as well. An excellent & unique initiative you took for raising awareness on Bullying. Excellent & Successful journey ahead🙌🙏’ YB

‘Indeed the session was very interesting, enriching ,informing and alerting as well as very helpful. Would be keen to attend your other sessions. Thx much Marjorie😊’ SM

‘Marjorie’s presentation on school bullying is clear and concise. She explains the topic well and provides relevant information all along. Laudable effort from someone who has been through so much. Definitely a plus in the education sector!!!!’ S.T

‘Thanks loads Marjorie for the short but how informative session we had... I learnt a lot... Continue the good job of sharing information about bullying🤗🙏🌹’ MNA

“Just followed a very enlightening session on bullying and anti-bullying measures by Marjorie Ayen. As an educator, I highly recommend this session to all those playing an active or even passive role in the education sector. Raising awareness and combating bullying everywhere can indeed make the learning /work environment more conducive to progress and lead to a healthier and much better society overall. Big thanks to Marjorie for her endeavour and dedication. Well-done 👏” Mrs Aullymun

“Mrs Marjorie speaks from experience, which is more useful than if it were from someone just talking about counter measures. she is very engaging, has empathy and provides precise and concise information. she encourages sharing and provides useful insights to guide us. Will definitely attend future sessions 😊” Mrs Luximon

“J'ai bien apprécié. Merci pour le temps accordé. Vous êtes superbe !!!Très instructif les informations sur le bullying.” RW

“✅Good workshop and sharing 💯” Joël Louis

“It has been a fruitful session where educators and parents learned techniques to identify victims of bullying in their environment and ways to approach and support them accordingly. Grateful for your support and humility 🙏” A.A

"She has the courage to raise her voice and create awareness ! Worth it 👏" Melissa Chokeepermal

“Really nice presentation. As a secondary tutor, I must say that Bullying is a critical issue within the school premises. Today's session was very fruitful. You're doing a great job. 👍” Mrs Herry

“Really appreciate the presentation of yesterday. Knowing how to tackle bullying is a must.” Mrs Lorna

“The session was very helpful for me, thanks. Good job 👏” Mrs Odoye

“On n'en parle pas assez....il faut protéger l'enfant.” YJ

“J’ai apprécié les informations et j'ouvrirai un peu plus les yeux dorénavant car pas tous les bullied osent dénoncer.” VS

“Je remercie Marjorie d'avoir pris le temps de nous présenter le harcèlement scolaire en ligne. J'ai trouvé que cette formation était instructive car elle permet à quiconque travaillant dans un milieu scolaire, de prendre conscience de ses responsabilités, je dirai même de son devoir vis-à-vis de chaque élève. Un parent pourrait aussi bénéficier de cette formation qui l'aiderait à mieux comprendre les dangers du milieu scolaire.” JAW

“It was indeed a very informative session, for me to be able to associate specific behaviours to probable incidents of bullying and thinking about the victim and the persecutor as well. “ TCV

“Everybody needs to educate themselves on the subject of bullying. Anybody in our immediate entourage can be a victim or persecutor. As an educator, the workshop with Ms. Marjorie was very educational. Educators are always complaining about management when it comes to bullying, if other stakeholders are not enlightening educators on this issue, it calls for some self research for professional development. Go for the sessions with Ms. Marjorie. You’ll thank yourself afterwards.” N. E

“Great session on school bullying where we explore this issue in different angles.Highly recommended.Thank you.” Z.D

“Merci beaucoup pour cette formation. Même n'étant pas dans l'éducation comme les autres participants/es 😊, j'ai appris énormément sur la situation du bullying sur les enfants et qui subiront les conséquences peut-être pendant toute leur vie s'ils n'ont pas le support qu'il faut. Merci Marjorie Ayen Anti-Bullying Consultant pour ce travaille formidable que vous avez commencé en espérant qu'il y aura encore plus de participant/es dans vos prochaines formation surtout pour les enseignants/es mais aussi des parents. Vous pouvez compter sur nous pour vous aider. Encore bravo. 🙏” P. B

“My gratitude to you for the sessions of school bullying yesterday . I truly appreciate you and your time you spent helping and sharing your knowledge. Thank you very much for the sessions. God bless keep sharing the positivity 🌼” D.J

“Merci Marjorie. J'apprécie vraiment le cours. c'était très intéressant. Le harcèlement scolaire est un problème de société grave dont les gens ne se soucient pas. Cette présentation m'a éclairé sur plein de choses dont j'ignorais l'existence. Présentation très enrichissante. Encore une fois merci.” N. F

“Hello Madam,...thank you for yesterday's session. As parent to a daughter who has been bullied and also money extortion from the persecutor the session has been very instructive with clear explanations. Thank you so much.” CFR

“Dear Ma'am, Your session was very lively and informative.You have provided us teachers with more knowledge in dealing with different types of bullying. I hope you reach out many more teachers so that we send good citizens to our society. We can create peaceful loveable and full of empathy and compassion upcoming generations.” From Mrs Chuckowree, Cavendish Institute.

“Merci pour cette rencontre en ligne. Le harcèlement est un sujet dont il faut parler plus souvent afin d'éviter qu'il ne se propage dans notre société. Le mot empathie a retenu mon attention. Il est vrai que certaines personnes ne possèdent pas cette qualité, et même les persécuteurs devraient être encouragés à développer leurs sentiments intérieurs qui les mèneront à faire preuve d'empathie envers les autres. De plus, il est très important de montrer notre engagement sur ce qui nous intéresse et de poursuivre notre objectif.” S.M

Bonjour, Ce fut un plaisir de suivre ce cours avec vous. Cela m’a permis de connaître mieux le sujet ..J’ai beaucoup appris et en étant moi-même éducatrice , je saurai comment gérer et tackle dans le futur au niveau de mon travail. Vous êtes excellente. Mercii encore...🙏🏼☺️C.B.L

“Merci Marjorie de conscientiser le maximum de personne et de nous apporter des solutions. Tous les parents et les pedagogues devraient se sentir concernés par le sujet afin d'encadrer nos jeunes au mieux qu'ils soient les victimes ou les harceleurs. On devrait vraiment en parler au max.” ATC

“Hello Marjorie. Thanks you very much for last night workshop. It was refreshing. All points you covered were exactly how it's happening nowadays. The presentation was clear, concise, very informative, enriching and highly powerful. It will enable me, as educator, to give identify and give support to the vulnerables in both my professional and personal life. Highly recommended everyone dealing with public especially adolescents. Looking forward for next sessions. Thank you very much 😊” SR

"En tant qu'enseignante, j'ai reçu à travers la présentation du "school bullying", les outils nécessaires pour mieux comprendre le harcèlement scolaire et surtout j'ai appris quoi faire exactement pour mieux aider et encadrer mes élèves. Trop d'enfants sont victimes de harcèlement de nos jours et il devient nécessaire de prévenir le harcèlement scolaire, d'en parler dans les écoles et de sensibiliser les élèves." M. C Veerapen.

“I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity of participating in an enlightening session on anti bullying. It was indeed worth it. Not only have i been able to discover the root causes of bullying but also ways to deal with any victims who are in need of support . As a student this session proved to be not just informative but profoundly transformative . I was truly inspired and this has broadened my knowledge about how to make a meaningful difference in the fight against bullying. Thank you again for your time and thought provoking discussions on this controversial issue !🙏💗” Pari

“Excellent presentation with a lot of useful information. The webinar has been of great help. Thank you again for this opportunity.You are doing a great job!” Aurelie Fabien Gaiqui

"Great Webinar and very informative. There was great opportunity for discussion. It was very well done; good speaker and the powerpoint presentation was well organised. Thank you for not only sharing your knowledge but also inspiring us to strive for greatness in our work." P.B

"Merci beaucoup pour la formation. I can now have a better knowledge on how to identify people who are being bullied and what I can do to deal with it. I would really encourage others to take this course since it is very helpful. Thank you for your guidance." K.I

“Dear Marjorie, thank you for the enriching session on such a devastating topic in our modern era. It's been a delightful experience and it is recommended to all to grasp this shared knowledge from you especially about the governing laws in Mauritius and I seize the opportunity to applaud you for doing so and wish you all the very best. Thank you.“ Diana

“It's been a very interesting session, thank you for your kindness in sharing your knowledge to others. 🙏🏾 Bonne continuation. “ Ms Robert

“La séance sur school bullying a été très enrichissante et fructueuse. Hautement recommandé pour les enfants, parents et enseignants d'aujourd'hui. Bonne chance.👍👍 Un grand bravo à vous pour ce superbe travail 👏👏👏” S.G

“It's been a very interesting session on school bullying. Thank you for sharing your knowledge 😊“ Saleena Sulliman

"It is highly recommended for school staff as well as parents for the well being of students. This enables them to offer an auspicious teaching and learning environment in educational institutions." D.H

“It has been a pleasure for me to learn new things from your online course. I would highly recommend this course.” P.R

"Très instructive. Cela me prépare à discerner quand on est face à un cas de bullying et de prendre ces cas au sérieux". CEA

“Bonsoir Marjorie. Thank you so much for the Anti-Bullying course. It was indeed really enriching and provided me with fresh perspectives for the work that I'm doing. Mercii.” N.D

“Je vous remercie pour la session sur le School Bullying. Comme dit plus tôt, c’est quelque chose que j’ai appris lors de mes études mais aujourd’hui j’en ai appris davantage avec vous. Merci encore pour ce webinaire qui était très intéressant!” L.B

“Mrs Ayen’s workshop on School Bullying was very fruitful! I particularly enjoyed the part where she presented the laws that surrounded bullying, as I think that we are often as citizens, unaware of our rights. Through this workshop I feel more equipped to assist and help people that are suffering from bullying.” C.C

Reviews of participants of the online session Formation sur le Bullying à la Maison:

"Le sujet du harcèlement doit être pris au sérieux. Il est très présent dans notre société. Nous devons nous renseigner, lever le tabou, pour que les victimes ne s'enferment pas dans le silence. Merci à Mme Ayen pour son travail. Renaître d'une expérience très douloureuse et la transformer en tremplin pour aider les autres, est une démarche formidable." DD

‘Très intéressant, merci’ JL

“I really like the presentation of today. You are an open minded person and a good listener. It was a pleasure and the presentation helped a lot. Keep it up.” Ved

“Bonjour Marjorie. Je souhaiterai vous remercier pour la session d'hier. Elle était très instructive et j'ai appris des choses intéressantes. Je peux dire que des éclaircissements ont été apportés à certaines questions que j'avais. Merci pour le temps que vous consacrez à partager vos connaissances. Au plaisir de vous revoir bientôt. Bonne continuation.” VGP

"Le cours était très enrichissant sur le 'Bullying à la Maison', surtout les échanges et situations diverses qui peuvent être partagées en ayant de bons conseils. Merci." Ramjauny W

“The workshop helped me understand that bullying isn’t limited to schools- it’s a real issue that can also exist within families, workplaces and other environments.” Christine R

A review of the online session Formation sur le Cyberbullying:

“I have learned about the various forms that Cyberbullying may take. It is a fact that cases of cyberbullying are on the rise. We have seen people attempt suicide when faced with cyberbullying and our youth are particularly vulnerable. We all have an important role to play. Maybe someone close to us is being bullied and is suffering silently. Being informed is one way of being ready to help and I highly recommend these webinars”. DD

Reviews of participants of the online session Cours sur le School Bullying (destiné aux enfants/ados et à leurs parents):

“Great initiative...🙏Keep up the good work👍” J.S

“We attend the session today and it was very informative and really helpful. Good work keep it up.” Mrs Samy

“Hello Marjorie,

I am writing to express my profound gratitude and appreciation for the enlightening and empowering training session on bullying that Alicia had the privilege to attend yesterday.

I want to express my sincerest appreciation for your outstanding facilitation and commitment to raising awareness about bullying. I would highly recommend this training session to anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of bullying and acquire practical strategies to prevent and combat it.

Thank you for organizing such a remarkable formation and for the invaluable contribution you are making towards building a kinder and safer society.” Pascaline

“Super moment de partage, ça a fait du bien a mon fils et aussi il a appris des choses intéressantes ! A bientôt pour une prochaine session 🤗“ Mrs Sylviane Savanian

"Highly recommended. Very informative webinar on school bullying. Clear presentation allowing students to understand the contents and issues. Thank you!" Mrs Preety

“Thank you so much for the course. You are doing a great job in educating the public about such sensitive issues. All the best Madam. “ A.B

"Very interesting, very informative and easy to understand by kids..... highly recommended. Miss Ayen is very calm and reassuring. her overall presentation is easy to follow and it is delivered in such a way that it makes it easy to open up, discuss usually sensitive issues without guilt or shame and seek advice. Thank you again dear miss." Mrs Kashinee

Reviews of participants of the online session Formation sur le School Bullying Partie 2:

“Cette deuxième séance sur le harcèlement scolaire nous permet en nous donnant des pistes précises, non seulement d'accompagner la victime mais aussi le persécuteur. J'ai tendance à oublier que le persécuteur est aussi une victime, merci de me l'avoir rappelé. Bonne continuation.” JAW

“La 2e Partie était bien plus intéractive et surtout les situations qui allaient davantage plus en détails. D'autant plus que cela a bien aidé à partager les situations non ou plus ou moins connues mais encore de trouver des solutions que tout le monde a profitées. Merci pour cela!!!” Ramjauny W

“Hi Marjorie, yesterday was really enlightening and nice. You have so many examples. It's not only reading from slides... well... we could look up for information and do a ppt... but the way you infuse your own expertise and experiences and anecdotes into the presentation is so enriching. Thank you very much for your presentation. Surtout sur l'empathie... plusieurs de nos colleagues sont depassés... burnt out... However... I'd like more people to know abt it... in schools we should do a campaign... bullying is so present... some are closing their eyes to this issue. If we do not do something abt it now... what kind of youth are we forming.” NR

Reviews of participants of the online session Formation sur les Différents Types de Bullying:

“Thank you for your impactful presentation on combating bullying. Your dedication shines through, and I truly appreciate the valuable insights shared. It's evident that your efforts, both in the presentation and beyond, are contributing to positive change in creating a more respectful and compassionate community!!” Mr Ijaaz

“Merci beaucoup pour les informations sur le harcèlement. Je suis reconnaissante de votre aide et soutien. C'est vraiment précieux d'avoir des personnes comme vous qui se soucient de ce problème. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire une différence positive et créer un environnement plus sûr pour tous. Merci encore ! 🙏🏼😊” SP

“The workshop was very helpful and interesting. Keep up the good work and keep on helping everyone stand for themselves.” PLG

“Thank you Ms Marjorie.. Your presentation was down to earth and interactive..You gave an insight that on how bullying may be tackled subtly and it was inspiring to follow your course..thank you again..” M. Shuaïb

“I found it well presented, in a clear and concise way. You made every participant feel at ease all along and answered all the questions to the best of your ability. Thank you for having shared your past experience and for making it your mission to educate others about bullying. I truly hope that the seeds you are sowing now will germinate in the minds of your participants for a better and healthier Mauritius. E.B

"Well the course was very interesting and have learnt a lot how to deal with the problem of bullying. As a pre primary practitioner I have learnt a lot on how to tackle the situation when a child is bullying another as in pre primary it is not really bullying but this course help me a lot how to deal with all the issues concerning bullying thank you Would like to continue and learn more in future. Thank you very much." DH

"Merci beaucoup, l'atelier a été vraiment enrichissant. J'ai appris beaucoup de choses sur le harcèlement . Je rejoindrai sûrement pour de nouvelles sessions." GK

“It was such a pleasure to have follow one of your anti-bullying session. The presentation was well designed and explained. You helped me to grow spiritually Madam. You are such a lovely person... Thank you for all...❤🙏 Bonne continuation❤“ Deeviana Parsooramen

“Thank you Marjorie. You are doing a wonderful work indeed! The training session was very informative and inspiring. Anti-bullying programs are crucial for creating safe and inclusive environments in schools and communities. Your help to raise awareness, promote empathy, and provide support for both victims and bullies is a game-changer. Anti Bullying programs can foster a culture of kindness and respect, ultimately contributing to a healthier and happier community. Bestest to you.🌞🌻” Priya Ramma

“Highly Recommended Webinar. Very informative and preventive formation on bullying. Thank you for sharing these valuable information.” Mr Kavi

“I attended the online presentation of Mrs. Ayen. It really shed light on many aspects of bullying that are sometimes overlooked especially when it comes to a workplace or a school. I am looking forward to the next session. Thank you.” J.B