Mission and Vision Statement:

To take a stand against bullying by promoting bullying awareness and prevention and helping victims and perpetrators heal.

Core Values:

  Compassion, Dignity, Respect, Kindness, Faith, Courage and Resilience.

I am Marjorie Ayen and I am an Anti-Bullying Consultant from Mauritius. I experienced workplace bullying for 8 years. Now my aim is to raise awareness of bullying, promote bullying prevention and help victims and perpetrators heal. I am an Associate Member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA)(UK) since August 2022.

Marjorie Ayen Anti-Bullying Consultant in the Media

5-Plus Dimanche article

Webinaire sur le Bullying avec l’ONG MPower- MBC Radio 28 avril 2023


5-Plus Dimanche

Testimonials of the Anti-Bullying Advice Consultation Sessions :

“I’ve contacted Marjorie as my son was being bullied at school. She was able to help me and my son as she provided useful information and guidance. She’s a competent professional and she’ll make you feel comfortable while speaking to her. My son also felt at ease with her. Thank you.” ZT

Testimonials of Workplace Bullying Awareness and Prevention Training Programme (USB flash drive):

“I was moved by Marjorie’s powerful story when I came across her testimony on Facebook. It’s inspiring to see someone who overcame significant adversity and succeeded in empowering herself. Whilst I did not use her services as a consultant, I did purchase her flash drive containing her testimony and her presentation research. I was impressed with her understanding of the issue and her ability to identify effective prevention and intervention techniques. I would highly recommend Marjorie to anyone or any company looking for effective support or training on this subject.” SPB

Testimonial of School Bullying Awareness and Prevention Training (USB flash drive):

‘I have bought a session on anti bullying for schools. It was educative, resourceful and beneficial. Keep on with the good job!’ W.K




Testimonials of the online session Formation sur le Workplace Bullying :

‘Thanks for the Workplace Bullying session.. Much appreciated the various aspects discussed as well as the repercussions.. Having evening sessions are indeed more convenient for people working full-time like me.. All the best for the future.. Regards, KM.’

Testimonials of the online session Formation sur le Harcèlement Sexuel :

‘Marjorie Ayen is doing something important. These awareness sessions can make a big difference in people’s lives. The workshops are accessible to all and bring on the table subjects that are very present in our society. Keep up the good work!’ DD

Testimonials of the online session Formation sur le School Bullying :

‘Interesting & Interactive session with a friendly & skillful approach. The content will be indeed valuable for both an everyday life & my workplace as well. An excellent & unique initiative you took for raising awareness on Bullying. Excellent & Successful journey ahead🙌🙏’ YB

Testimonial of my webinar on Cyberbullying:

“I have learned about the various forms that Cyberbullying may take. It is a fact that cases of cyberbullying are on the rise. We have seen people attempt suicide when faced with cyberbullying and our youth are particularly vulnerable. We all have an important role to play. Maybe someone close to us is being bullied and is suffering silently. Being informed is one way of being ready to help and I highly recommend these webinars”

Testimonials of the online session Formation sur le Bullying à la Maison :

"Le sujet du harcèlement doit être pris au sérieux. Il est très présent dans notre société. Nous devons nous renseigner, lever le tabou, pour que les victimes ne s'enferment pas dans le silence. Merci à Mme Ayen pour son travail. Renaître d'une expérience très douloureuse et la transformer en tremplin pour aider les autres, est une démarche formidable." DD

Testimonials of the online session Cours sur le School Bullying (destiné aux enfants/ados) :

“Great initiative...🙏Keep up the good work👍” J.S

Testimonials of the online session Formation sur les Différents Types de Bullying :

‘“Thank you Ms Marjorie.. Your presentation was down to earth and interactive..You gave an insight that on how bullying may be tackled subtly and it was inspiring to follow your course..thank you again..”

M. Shuaïb



“ Le traumatisme vécu ... laisse une trace qui ne s’effacera pas, mais sur laquelle il est possible de reconstruire ... l'être humain qui a été traité cruellement peut puiser dans le constat de son impuissance de nouvelles forces pour l’avenir. ”

Marie-France Hirigoyen

Le Harcèlement Moral: La Violence Perverse Au Quotidien